Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Im back

A new term is upon us here at Uni, which means that this blog is no longer just for credits. But I must admit I have enjoyed writing and I seem to get a good steady stream of readers, viewers, surfers, I don't know the correct term. So with this desire to please my tens of readers I will carry on in the same way as before talking bollocks for 200 words.

Getting back to uni has been harder this term than previous ones, with the Wifi in my room not working and IT working at a snails pace to fix it, which means I have to read textbooks, to stay entertained. The other main problem is that the idiots at student finance are so inept at doing their jobs I still yet to have received my maintenance loan, which means I am effectually living on a free food diet. Which means you go to as many events where there is free food.

If any left wing marxist/Communist really wants to see how wrong nationalising everything would be, just call Student finance and get a straight answer out of them that isn't hidden behind a wall of lethargic scottish call centre staff who have about as much urgency as glacier.

They have reassured me that I will be payed this week so I will be able to buy food soon which is nice. 

Its the general election coming up which means the papers are full of campaign headlines. There is no denying it, I am against Labour, Greens, UKIP and most of all the SNP. Which is stupid because I'm not Scottish but I think they're a party of xenophobic whiney bitches. But all the parties say they are the best for the "Working Britain", which is the most vague thing ever!

In future posts I will try and highlight some areas of a manifesto which I either agree with or disagree with, next one will be Labours tax on aspiration.