Monday 27 July 2015

If premier league clubs were people you went school with then and now.


He was the person in school who had lines cut into his hair and had enough gel in it to hold up half of manhattan, would probably say "init", now he works for a phone company or something techy, and post pictures on facebook of his Honda Civic, which he thinks is amazing but everyone else thinks is weak.

This guy doesn't really use facebook much, his profile picture is 5 years old from when he did DoE, thinks he is above it, at school he would have been the person who had the same hair cut from year 1 to sixth form, now he works for the local council and wears a fleece to every occasion.

Aston Villa
In school he was pretty popular would always tell you about the exotic European holidays he use to go on, but doesn't go anymore, he doesn't like traveling to Europe anymore, never said why though, now he is on his 5th marriage, and his kids don't really speak to him anymore they went on to bigger and better things. Current wife is some cockney landlady from the Red Lion.

In school he was middle of the road popular. Probably good at athletics in one of the minor ones like hurdles, never really had good grades, always asked for money. But now he lives like a king and has many beautiful girlfriends, lives a private life, nobody's quite sure where he got his money from though.

Crystal Palace
Wanted to join dads business in construction, did join his dads business in construction, has tattoos on his arms and wears lots of lyle and scotts shirts, probably owns a pitbull called Steve, everyone says "He is a nice guy once you get to know him".

In school everyone liked him, never really mixed with the big boys, but would always be at a house party drinking one warm can of stella he nicked from his loving parents, now he has a nice family 2 kids and is an accountant for greggs, lives in same town he was born. Probably drives a citroen.

The kid who had to drive in from a another town for some reason, no one knows why he picked your school. But would always have the strange lunch box like brie and crisp sandwiches. Now he is cabin crew and meets famous people at 40,000 feet but still lives at home.(Not gonna lie mind went blank on this one)

In school he would always tell you how amazing his older brothers were and all the amazing things they use to do. Would often break out with "lets go fucking mental na na na naaa" on nights out, after one WKD and a cherry sours. Now he posts on facebook about his new business ideas that he gets really excited about but will ultimately fail due to his drinking problem.

Manchester city
He was the poor kid in school who would have the same blazer all the way through school, had shit packets of crisps. But now he has won the euromillions and won't stop until he has bought everything he has ever wanted. Hasn't quite grasped the idea of being rich yet, turns up to Claridge's in trackies and asks for full english and a carling. Will buy a goodmans tv still.

Manchester United
Most popular kid in school, annoyingly good at everything, and he really didn't look like he was trying. You secretly hated him but really you were just jealous, in adult life he was even more annoyingly good at everything. Great job, great car, great life. Until his dad died and got made redundant in the recession. Had to sell everything and wasted the little money he did have in his dads mates business in Dumfries which failed. But now he is getting back to his old self.

Newcastle United
On the playground he would bang goals in for fun, after school he would constantly be playing football on the estate, but never made the school team because he spent too much time behind the bike sheds if you know what I mean. He got a southern girl pregnant on a lads holiday to Zante, they live together at his mam's house, constantly fighting over facebook, as she keeps selling his playstation games, but they always make up after she buys him a new top, she love juicy couture.

Was the farm kid at school, you would always be amazed at how early he got up for school, always smelt of cows, his family name would likely be on the milk carton you had on your weetos. Would always have a yearly bonfire party that you would have to trek to in the middle of no where. After the farm faltered from foot and mouth, he took over and opened up a profitable farm shop which sells great food, one of his jams even came 3rd in a nationwide competition.

In primary school he was really smart and was always winning the sack race on sports day, but his family moved to America after his dad got a job at bebo, after that failed they moved back to the uk, in adult life Southampton is an bespoke bench maker who make a killing selling to rich wannabes.

Stoke City 
Stoke was the fat kid who would always bully you for your lunch money and give you a dead leg if you don't comply, captain of the rugby team, lived on the council estate, would always be in detention for throwing people bags across the play ground. After school everyone wanted to forget about him, until a picture on Facebook showed how he had lost loads of weight and become a priest in Spain, but he is still branded with his disruptive past.

He wore gola trainers for P.E, now has a goatee and wears a trilby, hates having to live next to newcastle and plays rock music really loud, you never see him at work but some how always has money for fags. Drinks ale coz larger is to common

Always organised at school, when you went round his house to play fifa his room would be spotless and he would get annoyed if you didn't wrap controllers up the right way before you left. After he left school he joined the Army and became a great team player, lives in a different country and everyone says how brave he is for being in the army, even though he fixes the computers.

He would be the one who was always chasing the girls, because he hit puberty first, he fell in love with the exchange student for a while, in sixth form most people had out pubertied him, so he was just another student, everyone kinda liked him though. Except the arsenal lad, but everyone thought those two would "come out" together sooner or later. He works as a middle manager for an insurance company, can never keep a girlfriend for more than a year.

Tells everyone he was born in london. Had a surname supply teachers could never say. Awful dress sense, but thinks he is cool because he got his clothes on holiday, would drink orangina instead of coke. He became famous because of a one hit wonder, but is now trying to bring back his career on italian big brother. Liked a bit of the old charlie.

West Brom Albion
Would always get A for effort but never really succeeded, everyone knew he was a train spotter but he didn't want anyone to know. Would be the one who was always awkwardly early for house parties, always the but of jokes. After school he tried bulking up but never really got anywhere, he is a manager at a bookies, says cheeky nandos to much.

West Ham

Would always be up for a scrap, use to draw dicks on everything, really good at wood work. Found his niche working for a destruction company, you will always find him down the local tell you how he was on the books a local club. Even though he pretends to be a hard geeza he has a soft spot for the theatre. Just posted a picture of his new house, claims it was a "bargain".

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