Tuesday 3 March 2015

When your legs don't work like they used to before...

So it has been two days since I decided to kick my self into gear about getting fit, and not drink beer. I have decided to call it the Ed Sheeran diet, because of his famous comments about loosing weight from cutting back on beer, and just replacing it with Vodka.

So it has been hard, normally on Mondays my friends an I go to the local bar, because we know the barman and also it's just a relaxing fun time, I walk into the bar and have to stop mid sentence because I started ordering Amstel. 

You don't get the first refreshing sip or gulp with a Tom Collins as you do with a beer, which I'm sure I will get use to.
But they are equally as nice. 

The fitness part has well already hit a snag, but I will get round it, I saw my physio yesterday as a follow up after my knee surgery over Christmas, and well the prognosis was not good! Because I am an idiot I played football 4 weeks before I should have and probably set my recovery back a couple of months, I am unable to do high impact training until further notice. 

My last blog inspired a friend to do the same, he has also started doing the Ed Sheeran diet, and has agreed to do Tough Mudder with me in September, along with my Girlfriend and another friend Jenny, this should be a fun couple of months. 

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