Friday 31 October 2014


I have been in the library now for roughly 40 minutes. I came here with the premise of trying to get some essay prep done. So far I have bought two shirts from asos, watched multiple trailers, tried to organise a trip to London. Not once have opened a book, although I have got my essay up on word.

My point is that many people ( I use the term many wishfully) will be reading this after going on Facebook which, lets be honest is the biggest procrastinating tool ever! You will either be on your phones or laptops, keeping your self busy whilst on the loo or whilst you are meant to be doing something else.

I find especially people my age find it all most impossible to not to be looking at a screen when they have nothing to do. Take for instance you are on a date and your date goes to the bathroom, the first thing many of us do is get our phones out.

Or say you are meeting friends and you're early, you get your phone out check Facebook, Twitter or what ever your crux is.

I must admit, I am the worst offender of this, I like to think its on my dyslexia that I constantly need visual stimulation or my brain goes crazy. I'm sure many people are like this, but lets all try together to not reach for our phones in times of boredom. Just enjoy everything around you, unless there is a funny cat video, I can allow that.

I have kinda run out of things to say on this issue, I should really start this essay. I will add, seeing as you're on Facebook it would nice if you could share this post.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

R.I.P Ipod Classic

I heard today that Apple are pulling the plug on the Ipod Classic.

It maybe due to the fact that I'm listening to Coldplay right now, but its kinda sad that this revolutionary device has come to an end. I remember when my brother came home with one of the first Ipods.

You had to put your CD collection on track by track, whilst trying to find the track listings in the CD booklet, so is not to have a hundred "Track 1". This was only 10 years ago but for someone who grew up in the 2000's it feels a life time ago.

In around 2003 or so. I got given a £100 128MB Philips MP3 player. It had no screen, used AA batteries, and had two buttons: one to pause, one to skip tracks. You were not able to go back, you had to go through your songs again to listen to the same song.

Going into school with this glorious 128MB MP3 player, with roughly about 10 tracks enabled you to be an absolute bad ass. Going into Argos to flick through the pages, not for Action Man this time. No you were looking for Creative brand MP3's.

The Christmas of 2005 all I wanted was a Ipod Nano. They had just been released, and it was top of all teenagers Christmas lists. When Christmas came around I didn't get this illusive gift, and in shear dickish move only a teenager would make I told my mum, "I'm upset I didn't get a Ipod". It wasn't until a couple years later that my brother told me I ruined my mums Christmas that year, that I fully became aware of how dickish I was. If your reading this mum I'm truly truly sorry for that moment.

Every Generation has listened to music in completely different format. My parents would get Vinyls and cassette. My elder brothers would buy CD's. But I would listen to music on tiny boxes of memory. What about today's generation? maybe those who are not much younger than me, will remember the infancy of digitally stored music ? Will they know the struggle of only picking 12 songs to take on holiday?

I write this whilst listening to Spotify, its moved on from coldplay to Dylan. Spotify is possibly the most current form of listening to music. No need to have GB's of space, all you need is the Internet, allowing you to listen to more song than you imagine. So will teenagers of the next couple of years remember the Ipod or will think its just an app on their Iphones.

P.S The fun of scrolling through you songs will never get old.

Look Mum I'm an Author

The idea of a person who has problems with grammar and spelling starting a blog, may seem stupid it may also not make much sense. But I know at some point in my degree I have to start one so I thought I would start one while I procrastinate over another essay. 

I start with one thing that might help with the title. I have two older brothers they both have children. I'm sure many parents have had to spelling items or activities out, as to not excite the children. 

Being dyslexic this can be incredibly difficult for me,  I'm often standing there looking like I'm trying to figure out the meaning of life and when I have solved this complex puzzle of letters the moment has passed, and now the children know what's is going on.

I should also explain the name of the website SlightlyPoshStokie. I grew up on the fringes of Stoke, but both my parents are from Surrey, which meant whilst I was growing up I was always seen as posh because I pronounced "bath, grass, glass and laugh" with an "R". Along with the fact I'm a huge Stoke City fan.

For the interest of my safety I will not start slagging off the potteries, but its version of classy is an Adidas tracksuit instead of a Lonsdale one. But I hear since I have left the area it now has a Nandos so it almost to the levels of Milton Keynes.

I hope you enjoyed my musings, there will be more to come. They may have some more comprehensive structure. 

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