Tuesday 18 November 2014

It's not all about the penguin

With christmas coming up I have been reminiscing of previous christmas' my family have had. Probably the earliest one I can remember is when the green house blew away and the power went out, or the time when it actually snowed and it was awsome. 

I always remember christmas from my early teens as a time when everyone in the family got just a little bit to merry, we would all go the pub on christmas eve, my brothers would drink beer, and my parents would drink whiskey and wine, and I being 13 would drink lemonade or the worlds weakest shandy.

I should probably explain now that I'm the youngest of three brothers, my closet brother chronological is 8 years older than me. They both have wives and children, and live in two completely different worlds. 

So when it comes to christmas, gone are the days when we can go the pub or drink and laugh into the night, because either we will wake up one of my niece  or nephews, or someone is left out. 

Now I have finally caught up with my brothers in age, I'm no longer the little brother they have to look out for, or the one who gets bought pork scratching in the pub to stop me from moaning about wanting to go home, but my brothers are now another generation above me, they are more interested in just keeping their kids occupied whilst they can have an injection of caffeine. 

This may sound like a moan, but its not it more of a musing about how christmas changes over the years, yes id love to have a Christmas where everyone is under one roof and we can stay in the pub till last orders with out asking " is it alright to bring the buggy in". Being kicked out of my room because my brother and his wife cant share a single camp bed in the study for two weeks

But christmas of today in my family is something id never thought would happen. I get that magical feeling you get as a kid, purly for the fact that Im not the youngest! I have three nieces and nephews who over time will get more and more excited about seeing someone who  is a serial burgler (santa). How christmas will become a much more family affair with kids ripping open presents whilst I probably nurse a hangover, and try and get excited over a christmas card made of dried pasta. Im wafferling

Yes im sad that I missed adult the Christmas stage of our family, but im happy that I now have a huge family which im sure will only get bigger. So I too can make the jokes about people sitting on different size of chairs and trying to find batteries on christmas eve, because my brothers are idiots

Merry Christmas cheers

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