Wednesday 5 November 2014

Me no write good!

Handwriting is possibly the worst thing in the world for the majority of a dyslexic. I just had one of my draft essays back with writing all over it detailing what is good and what is bad. It is not bad handwriting, yet I still can't read it. I had to embarrassingly asked a friend to read it for me.

You might be thinking to your selves how can this guy in his twenties and not able to read other handwriting get in at least manage university? It will make it even more interesting to tell you that I can't technically read. Most people who can read, see words as they are phonetically spelt, our how they are shown in a dictionary like li·brar·y.

Well because I have a selectively stupid brain I see words for what they look like. When I type, its like I'm painting a picture in my head. If I spell a words wrong I know I have spelt it wrong because it doesn't look right, but I have no idea how to correct it, or to spell out a word phonetically. 

What makes it even worse is when I see words that looks similar but sound, and mean completely different things my mind explodes or I end up embarrassing myself. Now good bloggers would think of some examples but well I'm to lazy.

This one is only short I'm afraid in the middle of essay season. But my next blog will be more interesting...maybe. 

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