Sunday 9 November 2014

We will remember them.

As I ran around town tonight, I saw the flashing of fireworks over the tops of the houses. Bell practice was being preformed in the church. The town was alive with bright lights and loud noises.

All I could be reminded of during this was a article I saw in the times. About troops coming back from Afghan who are suffering from PTSD. How fireworks would send them in to uncontrable wrecks. Sounds of church bells would remind them of explosions and their "brothers" funerals. 

I have always thought that having rememberance day around the time of bonfire night was slightly stupid. But thats a story for another night.

What I want to focus on tonight is to remeber all the people who never came home from fighting other peoples wars. we should not think of remembernce day as only our troops (british). Our allies and our "enemies" at the time. The young men of the great war who marched off to war because it was cool, becuase they wanted to look butch infront of the ladies. In todays teenage standards it would be the equiverlent of smoking around a bus shelter. 

So I ask you to put your politics aside, the ideas of whether war is right or wrong, today is not about victory or defeat. Today is about men and women, who were not able to see their loved ones again.

Also spare a thought for the those who came back with scares, some visable some not. Scares that may never heal.

We will remember them

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