Tuesday 11 November 2014

Net Neutrality

Yesterday President Obama put his support behind the idea of Net Neutrality. All of 3 hours had passed before Ted Cruz, a Republican Senator from Texas, (who at every moment he can will slag of Obama even if he saved him from a burning building) responds with the Tweet below.

I should probably mention what Net Neutrality is before I start getting angry. Net Neutrality is the idea that everything on the internet is equal. As long as you have an internet connection you can go on any website you want, you can watch cat videos or look at instructions on how to make a flute out of a used toilet roll. It basically means that no one controls what you look at on the internet, or internet providers CAN'T charge you more for using premium site such as YouTube or Netflix.

So back to Twat Cruz. Money plays a major part in US politics, money that is spent on campaigns is huge, often bigger than what some countries spend on education. Ted Cruz gets campaign contributions from most of the major cable providers (internet provider), in return he has to denounce the idea of Net Neutrality.

Cable companies get big dollar signs in their eyes when they realise that they could charge people for specific sites. Then those specific sites may pay to get to the top of the lists, meaning small sites like mine or small companies could fail at the first hurdle. You will be given packages like with sky tv, of available website you can choose from, but if you want to go on to a website that isn't in your price plan then well cough up the money to pay for it.

But how does this affect us in sunny old blighty? Our second largest internet provider is Sky, run by Rupert Murdoch, I don't need to make an argument there, he is as good to mankind as leaded petrol. So if you want to help with the worthy cause spread the fact that companies are trying to do this. Spread that politicians who take money from cable providers can't be trusted. You wont hear this story in the paper, you wont see it on the news (apart from maybe BBC). Talk to people about it, spread not just my words but others too. If you find an American who think Net Neutrality is a good thing just remind him or her ( He is probably called Ron) is taking he FREEDOMS away, they will love that.

I could go on and on about how fucked up US politics is on this issue, I could say it wrong for Obama to denounce it when more than half of the country hates the guy and will go against anything he says just because they are ignorant, and that is what Ted Cruz is trying to do.

I'm going to leave link at the bottom of a cartoon that explains it lot better than I can, but I ask of you please write, tweet to your MP's about this issue, share every post that supports Net Neutrality. Please share and I will read comments on this issue


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