Monday 27 July 2015

If premier league clubs were people you went school with then and now.


He was the person in school who had lines cut into his hair and had enough gel in it to hold up half of manhattan, would probably say "init", now he works for a phone company or something techy, and post pictures on facebook of his Honda Civic, which he thinks is amazing but everyone else thinks is weak.

This guy doesn't really use facebook much, his profile picture is 5 years old from when he did DoE, thinks he is above it, at school he would have been the person who had the same hair cut from year 1 to sixth form, now he works for the local council and wears a fleece to every occasion.

Aston Villa
In school he was pretty popular would always tell you about the exotic European holidays he use to go on, but doesn't go anymore, he doesn't like traveling to Europe anymore, never said why though, now he is on his 5th marriage, and his kids don't really speak to him anymore they went on to bigger and better things. Current wife is some cockney landlady from the Red Lion.

In school he was middle of the road popular. Probably good at athletics in one of the minor ones like hurdles, never really had good grades, always asked for money. But now he lives like a king and has many beautiful girlfriends, lives a private life, nobody's quite sure where he got his money from though.

Crystal Palace
Wanted to join dads business in construction, did join his dads business in construction, has tattoos on his arms and wears lots of lyle and scotts shirts, probably owns a pitbull called Steve, everyone says "He is a nice guy once you get to know him".

In school everyone liked him, never really mixed with the big boys, but would always be at a house party drinking one warm can of stella he nicked from his loving parents, now he has a nice family 2 kids and is an accountant for greggs, lives in same town he was born. Probably drives a citroen.

The kid who had to drive in from a another town for some reason, no one knows why he picked your school. But would always have the strange lunch box like brie and crisp sandwiches. Now he is cabin crew and meets famous people at 40,000 feet but still lives at home.(Not gonna lie mind went blank on this one)

In school he would always tell you how amazing his older brothers were and all the amazing things they use to do. Would often break out with "lets go fucking mental na na na naaa" on nights out, after one WKD and a cherry sours. Now he posts on facebook about his new business ideas that he gets really excited about but will ultimately fail due to his drinking problem.

Manchester city
He was the poor kid in school who would have the same blazer all the way through school, had shit packets of crisps. But now he has won the euromillions and won't stop until he has bought everything he has ever wanted. Hasn't quite grasped the idea of being rich yet, turns up to Claridge's in trackies and asks for full english and a carling. Will buy a goodmans tv still.

Manchester United
Most popular kid in school, annoyingly good at everything, and he really didn't look like he was trying. You secretly hated him but really you were just jealous, in adult life he was even more annoyingly good at everything. Great job, great car, great life. Until his dad died and got made redundant in the recession. Had to sell everything and wasted the little money he did have in his dads mates business in Dumfries which failed. But now he is getting back to his old self.

Newcastle United
On the playground he would bang goals in for fun, after school he would constantly be playing football on the estate, but never made the school team because he spent too much time behind the bike sheds if you know what I mean. He got a southern girl pregnant on a lads holiday to Zante, they live together at his mam's house, constantly fighting over facebook, as she keeps selling his playstation games, but they always make up after she buys him a new top, she love juicy couture.

Was the farm kid at school, you would always be amazed at how early he got up for school, always smelt of cows, his family name would likely be on the milk carton you had on your weetos. Would always have a yearly bonfire party that you would have to trek to in the middle of no where. After the farm faltered from foot and mouth, he took over and opened up a profitable farm shop which sells great food, one of his jams even came 3rd in a nationwide competition.

In primary school he was really smart and was always winning the sack race on sports day, but his family moved to America after his dad got a job at bebo, after that failed they moved back to the uk, in adult life Southampton is an bespoke bench maker who make a killing selling to rich wannabes.

Stoke City 
Stoke was the fat kid who would always bully you for your lunch money and give you a dead leg if you don't comply, captain of the rugby team, lived on the council estate, would always be in detention for throwing people bags across the play ground. After school everyone wanted to forget about him, until a picture on Facebook showed how he had lost loads of weight and become a priest in Spain, but he is still branded with his disruptive past.

He wore gola trainers for P.E, now has a goatee and wears a trilby, hates having to live next to newcastle and plays rock music really loud, you never see him at work but some how always has money for fags. Drinks ale coz larger is to common

Always organised at school, when you went round his house to play fifa his room would be spotless and he would get annoyed if you didn't wrap controllers up the right way before you left. After he left school he joined the Army and became a great team player, lives in a different country and everyone says how brave he is for being in the army, even though he fixes the computers.

He would be the one who was always chasing the girls, because he hit puberty first, he fell in love with the exchange student for a while, in sixth form most people had out pubertied him, so he was just another student, everyone kinda liked him though. Except the arsenal lad, but everyone thought those two would "come out" together sooner or later. He works as a middle manager for an insurance company, can never keep a girlfriend for more than a year.

Tells everyone he was born in london. Had a surname supply teachers could never say. Awful dress sense, but thinks he is cool because he got his clothes on holiday, would drink orangina instead of coke. He became famous because of a one hit wonder, but is now trying to bring back his career on italian big brother. Liked a bit of the old charlie.

West Brom Albion
Would always get A for effort but never really succeeded, everyone knew he was a train spotter but he didn't want anyone to know. Would be the one who was always awkwardly early for house parties, always the but of jokes. After school he tried bulking up but never really got anywhere, he is a manager at a bookies, says cheeky nandos to much.

West Ham

Would always be up for a scrap, use to draw dicks on everything, really good at wood work. Found his niche working for a destruction company, you will always find him down the local tell you how he was on the books a local club. Even though he pretends to be a hard geeza he has a soft spot for the theatre. Just posted a picture of his new house, claims it was a "bargain".

Saturday 30 May 2015

Revaolution with the an A

Intelligence has always been something I have found interesting, how intelligence manifests itself in different people, hot some perceive themselves to be of the highest order and others who take humility in the fact that they are a tad slow.

After watching a film where the main character takes a pill and it instantly makes himself 300% more intelligent, his ability to see the world changes, it got me thinking, would the world benefit if we all had IQ's in the 200's.

Im not going to beat around the bush here i consider myself intelligent, and I have spent most of my adult life trying to prove this fact to many people, friends, family and former employers. But because I technically don't have any certificates of education I have nothing to back up this claim. Hence why I'm at Uni in my mid twenties writing a blog at 2 am.

I find writing the most frustrating thing in my life, before I write anything I believe I'm going to change the world and realise two paragraphs in, I can't spell a word vital that my inner monologue is screaming, which gets me down ,and often in my texts I miss spell the most obvious words and people react in the same way of laughing with me, "oh thats just dyslexia", but they will instantly shut off and not focus about what the text is about.

I have never taken a formal IQ test, I would love to take one. I have taken many online ones which claim to be formal and have constantly got in the 130's area, which someone told was good, whilst also being shocked that the person who got 130 IQ  struggled to spell "yesterday", could have this intelligence.

In fact when I was in college failing my A-levels, I took high level dyslexia tests to see if I was really selectively stupid and not just idle. The results of the test was that it was idleness mixed with dyslexia, but I put the idleness down to being a 17 year old. But one result I found was that my ability of spacely reasoning where i was in the top 2 percentile which felt like a minor victory, because lets be honest what is that good for? tetris?

Since starting Uni I have noticed my intelligence in the area of academia increase tenfold! I have read more literature than I have ever read before, I could give you a detailed breakdown of the role of religion in Iran, I can de-construct and newspaper article into four elements, tell you the confines of the European Union,  and even how to get your self elected president. Even with all that evidence people will consider me stupid because I used the wrong affect/effect.

This may not make any sense to you, maybe that is the point I am trying to get across, maybe that in my head I see myself as the most intelligent person, I know I get angry at truly stupid people, but don't we all? Is being intelligent a good thing, it can make you depressed when you know that you should not fell down but you still do. I suppose this is a rant at the tiny problems in my life, I mean in the grand scheme of things is worrying about if people perceive you are an intellectual truly important, I'm sure the people going hungry today don't care.

I don't really know how to finish this it seems to have turned more into a rant than it has a declaration of my intent to change the social order, but lets be honest that was never going to happen. Being Dyslexic is in no way as bad as some social problems people face but still it can effect (no idea if that's the right e/affect) peoples lives. If you have got this far and can still understand me I ask that you take a step back from the screen and listen to your inner monologue and see what ideas you know, think how you could change the world, for the better, we don't want anymore Hilters. Try and remember all the things you have learned over the years and that every piece of knowledge that you have gained is never useless! Now try and think how you would express that information would you write it? Draw it? speak it? Everyone has different ways of expressing their intelligence, I just hope that its soon socially acceptable to doing something other than mundane writing!

P.S I understand that I wrote this and it might be slightly hypocritical.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Im back

A new term is upon us here at Uni, which means that this blog is no longer just for credits. But I must admit I have enjoyed writing and I seem to get a good steady stream of readers, viewers, surfers, I don't know the correct term. So with this desire to please my tens of readers I will carry on in the same way as before talking bollocks for 200 words.

Getting back to uni has been harder this term than previous ones, with the Wifi in my room not working and IT working at a snails pace to fix it, which means I have to read textbooks, to stay entertained. The other main problem is that the idiots at student finance are so inept at doing their jobs I still yet to have received my maintenance loan, which means I am effectually living on a free food diet. Which means you go to as many events where there is free food.

If any left wing marxist/Communist really wants to see how wrong nationalising everything would be, just call Student finance and get a straight answer out of them that isn't hidden behind a wall of lethargic scottish call centre staff who have about as much urgency as glacier.

They have reassured me that I will be payed this week so I will be able to buy food soon which is nice. 

Its the general election coming up which means the papers are full of campaign headlines. There is no denying it, I am against Labour, Greens, UKIP and most of all the SNP. Which is stupid because I'm not Scottish but I think they're a party of xenophobic whiney bitches. But all the parties say they are the best for the "Working Britain", which is the most vague thing ever!

In future posts I will try and highlight some areas of a manifesto which I either agree with or disagree with, next one will be Labours tax on aspiration.


Wednesday 18 March 2015

University life pt 2

Going to university when you are not 18 is not a new thing, many people do it. But still going to Uni when you are over 21 is a strange feeling.

I got into Uni on the back of strong work experience, I also knew that this was my last real chance of getting a degree. Because let’s be honest in today's world where everyone has a degree the job market is saturated by people a lot younger than myself with the same degree. I will be 25 when I graduate which scares the living crap out of me! I will have to go back to the land of the working and responsibility.

So what is it like being a slightly mature student? I would say the most notable difference between me and my ever so slightly younger students is that I want to make the most of my two years of zero responsibility. I mean I only have two years were I can get completely gazeboed on a Monday night and not have to worry about getting up early. 

I have been in the world of 9 to 5 and it sucks so so much! I tell my friends that they should make the most of the student times because you will never be able to binge watch breaking bad on a Wednesday again! By all mean you have to study, you really need to study because as I said before there is a saturated job market out there and you need to stand out.

Which also leads me on to my other point. GET INVOLVED! There is no point sitting in you room complaining about how rubbish the university is, or that you don't feel welcome. A students union is only as good as you make it, you will no longer be handheld into having fun. You need to just take the jump organize stuff on your own. Don't wait for other to tell you what to do.

I understand that some people are introvert and extrovert so have different opinions on what is fun. I'm telling you someone else will have the same idea, so start a society or join one. Like I said before get involved.

Id like to think that my willingness to get involved as come from working in an environment where if I didn't complete a job I found daunting done, I would be fired. Which has spurred me into starting societies, join clubs, making many great new friends. I see people at this university who are scarred that if they go out at least once a week they will fail, well I go out most nights and along with many of my friends and we are all in the 1st 2:1 bracket. I can imagine this will change in the coming terms. 

It is about mixing work and play equally. I treat Uni as a 11-7 job, so from 11-7 it is about studying and extracurricular activities, then after that I do the stereotypical student stuff. If you go to my Uni and are still in pre-lims try this aspect of life next term and I guarantee have a better experience than this term!

Friday 13 March 2015

University life pt 1

I must apologise for my lack of content over the last couple of days, life has been hectic to say the least. People often think being a student is all about getting pissed and fornicating, but at Buckingham it is different. But that stuff still does happen.

I can imagine seeing my brother roll his eyes at the thought of me saying that, being a student is hard. I would have done the same thing seven months ago.
You see I was working a 9-5 job as a logistics manager before I came to Buckingham. I paid my taxes, I had business cards, I went on business trips to Dublin, from the outside it looked good, and to many people it was a good job. I never earn't as much as I liked but I earn't enough at one stage to rent a house and drive a nice car. 

But I was never happy, I knew that my life was not destined for this lifestyle, So I thought I'm going back to Uni. I had heard that at some universities you could do 2 year degrees, then found this place, got a place pretty quickly due to work experience. Left work at end of July and went to see my American brother for 6 weeks.

I believe this to be the best decision of my life, but I regret saying students have it easy. Only 10 weeks into my first term I was taking exams at a level I had never done before, I was having to read 10x the amount of books I had ever read before. Living on an income drastically lower than I was use to.

The whole concept of university is stupid in my eyes you are basically paying a couple thousand pounds a year for a Library pass and a small room which in any other profession would be classed and inhumane living standards. But I must jump through the hoops if I want to get the job of my dreams, but lets be honest University does not prove how intelligent you are just how good you are at taking exams.

Tomorrows blog will be on the social aspect of uni, and what it is like going to university as a "mature student".

Monday 9 March 2015

Any colour but white!

I thought I would take a break from writing up essays to talk about Cars. Which at this point a lot of people will go to sleep. But for me cars are something of a hobby, I don't really know how they work and my level or automotive excellence is at the level where I can change a tyre and fill up my washer bottle.

Which lets be honest is the level to which most people are up to. But I still love them, I mean before I was a student I would happily pay 60% of my pay check on my car in some way or another. My current car is an Fiesta ST-2 which according to Top Gear means I should be Prime Minister.

I can wait till I am over 25 and the cost of insurance is something I never have to worry about, and picking cars becomes much more simple. I do find it funny why people pick the cars they drive, the obvious reason is finace, I mean not every one can go around in a BMW M3 but why would you buy a Suzuki Alto, when you can buy a cent second hand golf. 

Can manufactures have taken the fun out of cars, there are a few exceptions, but most cars are just built for people who own fleeces. For instance you want a buy a Seat Leon, a fun car based on a golf, you would think that it comes with a nice meaty engine that is made for the mountain roads of Spain (my geography of Spain is a little crap), but the base engine is a 1.2 petrol which is as about as powerful as the Green Party.

No one cares what they are driving anymore because cost has become the main driving force is deciding what car you get, I want a car which will sound amazing, give you butterflys every time you press the throttle. I want cars to be greener, I want them to be safer. But I should not have to give up the great thrill of driving. Companies like Tesla are doing that but companies like Nissan who created the Leaf are cheating and taking the fun out of driving.

Anyway back to the theocracy of Iran.    

Saturday 7 March 2015

Never again!

I have been thinking about how I should write this blog, for most of the morning, whilst I celebrated Holi Day, which if you are blonde wear a hat, after a 20 minute shower my hair is still pink. But last night was well interesting to say the least.

The best way to start this story is to start with the ending, last night ended with me in the back of an Ambulance telling the lovely paramedics that I'm not pregnant.

It started out like a normal night out does, we go to the cellers (uni common area) play pool have pre-drinks and have a good time, we then wonder to a friends house do the same then off to the students union, my Girlfriend was working behind the bar last night so it was just me and the Gents ( we thought "lads" was to chavy), I cant even remember drinking that much, but as the night came to a close I collapsed on the bar Sofa, being the most drunk I have ever been! 

When I got back to my room, the GF tried to put me to bed but my stomach had different ideas, it rejected the alcohol, so vomiting started. You may be thinking this isnt interesting everyone vomits, but well it gets more interesting now.

I start getting intense pain in my abdominal area, I thought it was wind so I go sit on loo for a while, but the pain got worse and worse until the GF had to call NHS Direct. Now sober me would have been responsive and helpful, but drunk Dan thought his appendix was exploding or had ruptured his stomach, and was screeming at the top of his lungs to call an ambulance.

We went to the security hut because thats where the GF told Ambulance to go, once stepping into secrurity hut my first words were "IM IN SO MUCH PAIN BUT, FUCK ME IT SMELLS AMAZING IN HERE", which it did it smelt of Watermelon, I feel sorry for the poor security guard he was doing the nightshift and a drunk student barges in, screaming.

Then the ambulance came, and well I thought I was going to be carted of to A&E and be under the knife in a matter or hours. I was wrong, I had heart burn basically. A mixture of spicyfood, to much booze and medication, had caused my stomach to hate me, I was given two paracetamol and told to take Rennies, and guess what the pain disappeared.

So thats how I probably woke up the entire block and wasted NHS time and money for Heartburn, Sorry Mum.   

If you want a better telling of the story ask my Girlfriend as she can remember all of it and all the funny things I said.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Writing is hard!

As many people who have to write to a daily deadline the blinking of the curser is a constant reminder of time passing, as you search your brain for inspiration.
I know that sounds morbid but its true, I had to start this blog because of my degree, and I need to keep it updated everyday, which is difficult. Just think I write stuff that people actually read! I mean I have followers, I don’t want to just write any old dross just to fill the pages. I’d like to think that I have some pride in what I type, but at the moment I am having some sort of writers block.

As I type this I am hurtling down the M6 head back to University, I’m not driving, I cant multi task that well, my Girlfriend is driving. To be honest I think she regrets offering to drive, as I am one of the worst back seat driver. I use to get angry with my Mum when she would press for an imaginary break when I was driving, but I now find my self doing the same. I don’t know why I do it. My Girlfriend is a good driver, she has been driving just as long as me, so maybe I should man up.

We had nipped up to my parents for the night as there was a Stoke Home game, and being the loyal stoke fan I am I don’t want to miss a game, even though there was apparently a decent house party last night. The Girlfriend before she met me, had never been to a football game, she was raised on Rugby, Hockey and Lacrosse. But now she has been to three stoke games, and from what I can see she loves it, maybe because, all the three times Stoke have won, which means I’m in a good mood. But the other reason I think she likes the games is because of the guys in front of us comments, who sound like the old men in the booth from the muppets.

It has come to the point in the season that we have to renew our season tickets. We have always had three in the past; one for my dad, my brother and me. But now my brother is expecting another child and lives further south than I do, plus he is married so there for make every game. I would be going into the start of my final year of Uni When the season start, so I should really concentrate on the work, but should I really stop a hobby which I have been doing since I was 6? I believe I shouldn’t and I think we will carry on and just find people to take instead of my brother when he can’t come.

We always say that this season will be our last, as the commitment to life’s more important aspect take over, but I always said if I can afford to get to games I will always go, I have every game in my calendar so working around them in advance is easy. My Dad always books holidays around games so as not to miss games.  As the team has been getting better and better over the years I am incredibly reluctant to give up on the team, purely for the fact that sods law dictates that they will qualify in the top four and I will never get a season ticket again.

I shall end here by saying that we did discuss what the ticket options are and I think we will stick with what we always do, but as time goes on, each game to me seems more and more precious, as the time ticks away, to the moment I have to give up the ticket which as ruled my life for so many years, to things that are more important than football. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

When your legs don't work like they used to before...

So it has been two days since I decided to kick my self into gear about getting fit, and not drink beer. I have decided to call it the Ed Sheeran diet, because of his famous comments about loosing weight from cutting back on beer, and just replacing it with Vodka.

So it has been hard, normally on Mondays my friends an I go to the local bar, because we know the barman and also it's just a relaxing fun time, I walk into the bar and have to stop mid sentence because I started ordering Amstel. 

You don't get the first refreshing sip or gulp with a Tom Collins as you do with a beer, which I'm sure I will get use to.
But they are equally as nice. 

The fitness part has well already hit a snag, but I will get round it, I saw my physio yesterday as a follow up after my knee surgery over Christmas, and well the prognosis was not good! Because I am an idiot I played football 4 weeks before I should have and probably set my recovery back a couple of months, I am unable to do high impact training until further notice. 

My last blog inspired a friend to do the same, he has also started doing the Ed Sheeran diet, and has agreed to do Tough Mudder with me in September, along with my Girlfriend and another friend Jenny, this should be a fun couple of months. 

Saturday 28 February 2015

Its not the end of the world, but it feels like it.

I write this whilst drinking my last beer. Don't worry you don't need to call the suicide hotline, and I'm not admitting I'm an alcoholic. The beer in question is a Corona, which is a wimps drink, but it was only the beer in my parents fridge. 

Anyone who knows me will know that beer is my most favourite drink on this earth! I mean there is no questioning how amazing it is, how much diversity you can have from four ingredients boogles the mind.

But no, the reason why it is my last beer (for the foreseeable future), is because I am tired of being flabby. If my Mum was reading this she would instantly say "you're not fat". Which I know I'm not, I'm not on the John Prescott scale of fatness, but I'm just not in great shape.

I'm going to spare you the details because, well, I still find it embarrassing, but put it this way, if you have ever see Seth Rogan topless, well that is similar.

In January 2012, I was at my highest physical fitness, and yet I still failed to get into the RAF on fitness grounds, which has always haunted me in someway, but I know that my life has turned out much better than it would have been if I boshed out the extra pushup I needed to get in. 

Thats when my life started to go down hill, but well I'm not going to tell you fuckers about that. I always thought, working out, whats the point? In September 2013 I was in a head on car crash that fucked up my right knee until recently. Thats when the weight really started tumbling out of control.

So as I take my last sip of beer what is the future? What shall it be? Should I aim for the London Marathon, should I aim for cycling John O'Groats to Lands' end? Well no, because those are fucking boring. I did a Tough Mudder in October 2013 which wasn't bright after my accident but I hobbled over the line. Well there is one in September and this time I'm going to run over the finish line.     

Friday 27 February 2015

The struggle is real

I have come to the conclusion that having an Android is like being a vegetarian, here is why;

1) You feel much superior than everyone else, you have bought a phone which is cheaper than an Iphone and has just as many, if not more. 

2) Like being a vegetarian you are nuisance to your friends. Just as if they invite you to a BBQ, and have to get you a bean burger. Because you don't have IMessage, your friends have to either WhatsApp, Viber, Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, or if your still in 2005 BBM.

3) Like when you go to a restaurant, there is normally only one Vegetarian meal on the menu, the same is when you are trying to find a docking station, or case, but with Iphone you have more than enough choice.

4)Everyone will look at you and wonder how can you live with out meat, is the same as when your friends use your android whilst you are driving and they complain about buttons being in different in different places.

Im sure if you are an android user you have your own problems with Iphone users, and our constant trouble of overcoming adversity, the pain is real!    

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Freedom to Jack

So its essay season here at University, So I best make todays blog short, as an essay on the political Ideology of Iran awaits my attention.

After watching the parliament programme on the BBC yesterday, the hoisting of the Winter flag (smaller version of the Union Jack) got me thinking.

Why is it that in a country as old as ours does the Union Jack cause so much offence. If we think just about the union as a whole and not the individual kingdoms the Flag is mainly seen by most as a sign of Right-wing racist parties such as BNP or the National Front.

As I have said before I am a very patriotic person, but feel that if I had a Union Jack flaying from my window people would think that I am exceptionally right winged.Which is sad! 

This is due to political parties trying to tap into the idea of patriotism and saying they are true to their countries ideals.

So what I suggest is this and If I had the time I would truly start a campaign to see this instigated. That no political party or political action group may use a nationalities flag (eg Union Jack, St'Georges Cross, The Saltire etc) in any of their logos, advertising or events. This means that the flag becomes a neutral symbol. That will only represent the nation and not a set of political ideas.

Lets stop this type of thing happening!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Oh Captain, My Captain

It has been 6 months since the death of one of my favourite actors of all time. I was reminded of his passing after watching the oscars and seeing his name pop up at the memories section.
You can probably guess who I am on about, Robin Williams. Probably the first film I saw him in, well technically heard was Aladdin. He made that movie, I didn't know it back then but that blue genie was a genius.

As I grew older I watched more of his films, a lot of them were duds, for example flubber, but to his credit he always gave a good performance. I would say it wasn't until I reached my 20's that I truly started to enjoy his more serious work. Good Will Hunting is possibly one of my favourite films, and he is magnificent in it, the scene when him and Matt Damon are sitting on the bench is moving to say the least. 

In the dead poets society one of his lines has helped me write, has taught me that what I write can change the world, but tbh only 40 people read my last post so I doubt it. But the line I remember so vividly is:

Away from the seriousness he is an incredibly funny comedian, who's improv and enthusiasm is un matched. Watching him do improv is a feet into its self. You feel tired after watching him, which makes you wonder how he does it! Good morning Vietnam is a classic example of his fast passed humour. His brain does not switch off.

His brain not switching off is probably the reason for his problems through out his life, he was a manic depressive as are many comedians, he was a drug addict which charlie being his crux, which probably shows how he can be so enthusiastic.     

Depression is an illness which affects many peoples lives, many people have suffered it in some form at some point in their lives. I know I have, and it still affects me, to quote a film I saw recently depression is like a dark cloud that fogs your brains so you can't see anything else. Never suffer in silence, talking is the key

To mention the great things Robin Williams did in his life I would be here for a while, but I hope you have been affected in a positive way by the great man, enjoy some of his best bits.