Wednesday 25 February 2015

Freedom to Jack

So its essay season here at University, So I best make todays blog short, as an essay on the political Ideology of Iran awaits my attention.

After watching the parliament programme on the BBC yesterday, the hoisting of the Winter flag (smaller version of the Union Jack) got me thinking.

Why is it that in a country as old as ours does the Union Jack cause so much offence. If we think just about the union as a whole and not the individual kingdoms the Flag is mainly seen by most as a sign of Right-wing racist parties such as BNP or the National Front.

As I have said before I am a very patriotic person, but feel that if I had a Union Jack flaying from my window people would think that I am exceptionally right winged.Which is sad! 

This is due to political parties trying to tap into the idea of patriotism and saying they are true to their countries ideals.

So what I suggest is this and If I had the time I would truly start a campaign to see this instigated. That no political party or political action group may use a nationalities flag (eg Union Jack, St'Georges Cross, The Saltire etc) in any of their logos, advertising or events. This means that the flag becomes a neutral symbol. That will only represent the nation and not a set of political ideas.

Lets stop this type of thing happening!

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