Tuesday 24 February 2015

Oh Captain, My Captain

It has been 6 months since the death of one of my favourite actors of all time. I was reminded of his passing after watching the oscars and seeing his name pop up at the memories section.
You can probably guess who I am on about, Robin Williams. Probably the first film I saw him in, well technically heard was Aladdin. He made that movie, I didn't know it back then but that blue genie was a genius.

As I grew older I watched more of his films, a lot of them were duds, for example flubber, but to his credit he always gave a good performance. I would say it wasn't until I reached my 20's that I truly started to enjoy his more serious work. Good Will Hunting is possibly one of my favourite films, and he is magnificent in it, the scene when him and Matt Damon are sitting on the bench is moving to say the least. 

In the dead poets society one of his lines has helped me write, has taught me that what I write can change the world, but tbh only 40 people read my last post so I doubt it. But the line I remember so vividly is:

Away from the seriousness he is an incredibly funny comedian, who's improv and enthusiasm is un matched. Watching him do improv is a feet into its self. You feel tired after watching him, which makes you wonder how he does it! Good morning Vietnam is a classic example of his fast passed humour. His brain does not switch off.

His brain not switching off is probably the reason for his problems through out his life, he was a manic depressive as are many comedians, he was a drug addict which charlie being his crux, which probably shows how he can be so enthusiastic.     

Depression is an illness which affects many peoples lives, many people have suffered it in some form at some point in their lives. I know I have, and it still affects me, to quote a film I saw recently depression is like a dark cloud that fogs your brains so you can't see anything else. Never suffer in silence, talking is the key

To mention the great things Robin Williams did in his life I would be here for a while, but I hope you have been affected in a positive way by the great man, enjoy some of his best bits.

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