Thursday 12 February 2015

Cake or Death?

Sky's new phycological thiller, Fortitude has hit our screen. After the, The Tunnel which is an incredibly dark murder mystery. I was encouraged to start watching Fortitude, plus know that Stanley Tucci is in it, one of my favourite actors, gave me even more of a reason to watch it. 

I won't tell you much  about what the story is about, apart from its a murder set place in a town set in the Arctic circle, where you can only get into by air or by sea. It is a made up area, that is most likely resembles Svalbard. Which is famous for having a seed bank!.

That part of the world you are under the constant threat of polar bear attack. So there for you have to carry a rifle at all times out of the main towns. Now I know that some countries you have to carry protection from wild life. But Polar Bears are silent, powerful killers who can easily blend into the snowy landscape, and are beautiful could you kill one? 

I know that the first question they ask you when you apply for all armed forces is along the lines of can you take another persons life. I know when I applied I said yes, I'm sure if the times comes when you are faced with that decision most people have that survival instant to stay alive. 

You hear about people who have survived in-human conditions, or people who have walked miles with a broken leg, instead of lying on the ground and accepting fate. Could most people get over pain or the idea of death in their head so that they may see their loved ones again. 

I have never faced any event like the ones I describe, nor do I hope I do. Closest one being stuck in town when is was 15 and no money for the bus. Luckily Subway let me use their phone, which was nice.  

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