Friday 6 February 2015

Come on America

I have to be quick with this post as I have to be in work in 20 minutes. I have had a busy couple of days so I apologise about not posting yesterday. But what I want to do today is give you an update on net neutrality. I previously wrote a post on how the FCC and significant American politicians want to allow broadband companies the ability to make you pay for specific websites. This idea is only beneficial to the big media companies and also the campaign pockets of congress men and senators who support them. 

Obama has told the FCC, who is chaired by a former cable company lobbyist and opposed to net neutrality. That the stance of the US Government is that Net Neutrality must happen there are no if's or buts. Which on the face of it is brilliant!

But John Stewart describe it right when he said that if Obama supports something it instantly becomes ammo for Republicans, meaning that Net Neutrality is seen as a bad thing, among the conservative heartland of America.

With news that BT have decided to buy Europe largest mobile provider the power of media companies is getting to strong. The internet was meant to be an open space for anyone to prosper, but companies like AT&T and Comcast want to make the internet their own. 

But hopefully with the news that the FCC will back any idea of Net Neutrality is a step in the right direction. 

I must go now as I have to work, but I will write a more prominent post tomorrow.

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