Sunday 8 February 2015

Please don't deport me

I have been meaning to say this for a while. America makes the best beer or style of beer.

Now before you say "how can you say Budweiser is better than Peroni". I'm not saying that, I'm also not saying this because I am a bit of an American-o-file. To class Budweiser and Peroni in the same category is stupid, it would be like saying an Astra is in same category as a Porsche 911. They are completely different. Budweiser is the cooking larger of the United States, as is Carling is to the UK. In that regards I believe that Bud is nicer than Carling. 

We are going to gloss over Bud Light because every country makes mistakes, like for some reason Carling has decided to put Red Berries in their beer. Coors light is different over here than it is in the States, for one it is sold as a premium beer here where as over there it is another cooking larger. Plus it tastes different. A rep once told me that it is made for British taste buds. 

If you want a basic larger there is no beating the Europeans on that front, but I'm sure some of those breweries have been going longer than America has. But my favourite mass produced Larger is Sam Adams, which out of everything mass produced is the nicest. But sadly because it is imported it costs a fortune to buy, but in the states it is probably the same price as Stella.

Now when I was working in a pub I started to really like Ale's (old man beer), the variety is incredible and there is alot more flavour. But you cant drink more than 3 with out the need to fall asleep, plus they taste completely different in a bottle as they do to a keg. In the US you have craft beers which is a perfect balance between Ale and larger and they are amazing! Sam Adams would probably fit in to this category. You go into any good bar in the states and instead of having maybe four pumps you will have 8 or ten each serving different beer, and because they are carbonated, you don't have to fanny around with settling the keg, tapping the keg, pulling it through. So it never really goes off, but like most things in Britain tradition is much more important.

Craft beers are incredible there is one for every mood, season, occasion, levels of drunkenness. So many different flavours. You get some duds, but most are incredible. The famous ales in the UK are Old Speckled Hen, Greene King IPA. They are bland and boring but Sam Adams is a taste infusion. There is a brewery called Thornbridge, and they make Craft ales in the UK and they are good but are still in their infancy. I always said that if I won the lottery Id open a brewery that did craft beers. Go out and buy some, Sainbury's has Sam Adams, Brooklyn Larger, and Seirre Nevada. Try it on tap next time, and they have to be cold unlike ales. 

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