Friday 13 February 2015

Not impressed with local electorate!

Last night the speak for the House of Commons, Mr Bercow came to our university to give a talk on how he has improved the commons and how he hopes to improve it further. The University that I attend happens to be in his constituency, Buckingham if you don't know already. Many people attended this talk mostly people from the town, there was a few people from the University body but only a handful. 

Mr Bercow, who is a great public speaker started the evening about his constituent matter to keep the ageing crowed happy from the start. His main stand point that got the biggest round of applause was that he did not agree with HS2, the development of a new highspeed rail from London to Birmingham and then on to the north of England. He said that he will not tow the party line on the issue. 

That is understandable I mean here in Buckingham it seems to be the only thing people feel truly angry about. I can imagine that if he was the MP for my area Crewe & Nantwich which is an area heavily reliant on Railways and is planned to get a new Parkway station in the plans for HS2 he would happily vote towards it.

But back to the talk, as Mr Bercow denounced HS2 as a awful idea the entire lecture hall irrupted into an explosion of clapping and cheering. It took me off guard if I'm honest. But as the applause carried on I look round the hall and thought that most of the people who seem very against HS2 will probably be dead by the time it is built so why do they care so much.

Whilst Mr Bercow spoke on other local matter than I really don't care about, I did some research of the route for HS2 through Buckinghamshire it will disrupt the natural landscape mildly, you hear horror stories about banks not giving mortgages to house near the supposed route, landscape being ruined. No matter how you see it development is need to improve the link to London. People of Buckingham have it far to easy to get around, you are in the middle of two major motorways which can get you anywhere in the country, you have Milton Keynes junction near you so getting to London is easy. But they will never think about the other people and most people don't on local issues and why should they. 

Looking closer at the plans there will be a Service depot built just outside of Brackley which I'm sure will create a nice amount of jobs for the area. Having lived near the West coast mainline the majority of my life I can tell you that Network rail do an excellent job of stopping sound pollution in built up areas. Although I do respect the elderly but they do have far to much political power! lets be honest most of the stuff they want wont be made into law in time for them to be affect. 

It people like me who politicians should be trying to pander, HS2 is designed for people of my generation not theirs. Half the audience last night had hearing aids! How can they complain about noise? 

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